China Hi-Tech Fair 2018: an insight into AI-based robots
News sources:CHTF Organizing Committee Release Date:2018-08-27

The global robot market continues to expand, with China's industrial robots having enjoyed the largest share of the world's market, about one third, for five consecutive years. Service robots are also growing at a remarkable rate. According to public data, the global robot market value in 2017 reached $23.2 billion while the Chinese market was about $6.28 billion. By the end of last year, there were more than 6,500 robot-related enterprises and over 60 robot industrial parks in China. Against that backdrop many companies are coming to rely on the robots industry as it becomes more and more intelligent through such technologies as verbal language recognition, computer vision, and 3D sensing. 

The China Hi-Tech Fair 2018 (CHTF 2018) held in Shenzhen from November 14 to 18 will highlight the achievements of the following enterprises featuring AI + robots: 

Gowild is an interesting AI company that specializes in AI technology and links individuals, families and societies through AI virtual life technology. It has successfully produced a series of AI virtual life ecological products based on the Gowild AI Virtual Life Engine (GAVE). The company also has developed an intelligent pet robot for children. It can help them learn Tang and Song poetry, Chinese Classics, and English, and guide them through primary school textbooks with encyclopedic knowledge. The robot gives children direct experience of black technology products. 

Babateng, as a well-known brand in the children's robots industry, has developed a one-stop AI integrated solution platform for AI interactive services, such as babysitting, early education, programming and entertainment, to create a children's robot ecology. Its AI interaction, such as speech recognition, face recognition and image recognition, and content interaction, such as smart chatting and on-demand music, plus skill interaction, such as multi-round dialogue, command manipulation and multilingual translation, is a relatively advantageous interactive system. 

Czhou Intelligent Robot Xiaoyi is a home intelligent service robot providing educational coaching and entertainment interaction. With very basic technology of intelligent voice interaction for robots, Xiaoyi can also provide such functions as voice prompts and voice control of intelligent appliances. In addition to its home service robot, Czhou also develops robots which can be used for restaurant delivery, materials handling and transportation in the manufacturing, warehousing and logistics industries as well as in airports, stations, wharves, and the food and medical industries. 

In addition to these home service robots, robots are more and more easily found in hospitals, restaurants, government halls, airports and other places. The upcoming CHTF 2018 will gather many different kinds of robots for the public to gain a better understanding of the convenience brought by high-tech innovation and reform. 

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